Cultural Enablers Virtual Workshop

Learn to Identify Gaps in Behaviors

As we learned in Discover Excellence (the prerequisite to this workshop), identifying behaviors that demonstrate the Shingo Guiding Principles is essential to creating a culture of enterprise excellence. Cultural Enablers dives deeply into the "people" principles of "Respect every Individual" and "Lead with Humility." We'll study and complete "behavior maps," and assess the maturity of the host organization in Key Behavioral Indicators. Join us and our virtual host, Penn Medicine Lancaster General Health, May 18 - 19, 2021. (PLEASE NOTE, the Discover Excellence workshop is a prerequisite to register for this workshop.)
Discover Excellence certificate

Cultural Enablers Curriculum

Introduction, Pre-work and Technical Guides

    1. Preparation for Your Shingo Workshop

    2. Introduction to Value Capture and your Workshop Facilitator

    3. Trouble at Tessei - Please read prior to workshop

    4. Miro Tutorial Intro

    5. Miro Tutorial Video

    6. Zoom Tutorial

    7. Participant Current Condition

    8. Key Resources and Links for Workshop

About this course

  • $1,300.00
  • 8 lessons
  • 0 hours of video content

Cultural Enablers Facilitator

Vice President of Advisory Services Shana Padgett

Shana Padgett is passionate about improving the lives of patients and the people who care for them, and has led change initiatives for more than 25 healthcare organizations. She is an experienced Lean and Shingo facilitator, trainer and coach, helping leaders guide their organizations in the planning, execution and sustainability of strategic improvement initiatives for Zero Harm / Perfect Safety, quality, affordability and service.